Category: Financial Planning

Do I have too much in cash savings?

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused massive job losses across the country. But some households have been saving more money than ever [1]. For these households, they have a choice which could have a big impact on their future wealth. This is the choice between saving or investing. More money to invest than usual The

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What are some good financial habits?

Paying yourself first Before you pay any bills, consider paying yourself first. This means saving and investing a portion of your earnings before you do anything else with your money. In the book The Richest Man in Babylon, written by George S. Clason, the parables are told by a fictional Babylonian character called Arkad, a

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What is financial wellbeing?

I have always been passionate about helping people feel more financially confident and achieve financial security. What this can be boiled down to is increasing financial wellbeing. The Financial Wellbeing Book, published in 2016, laid out five parts to financial wellbeing: A clear path to identifiable objectives Control of daily finances Ability to cope with

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Should I invest my money or pay off my debts?

You may have some spare money some surplus income. Either way, you might be thinking about what is best to do with this. Is it better to invest or repay your debts early? Paying off your debt could mean means reduced stress, and a greater ability to withstand personal emergencies, recessions, and depressions. Investing means

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What is the basis of good financial planning?

First-principles thinking helps reverse-engineer complicated problems. The idea is to break something down to its base elements. We can then reassemble them from the ground up. This approach was used by the philosopher Aristotle. Elon Musk and Charlie Munger are among those who use it now. It allows them to cut through the fog of

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What is the importance of goals?

Getting the most out of life can be like climbing a mountain. The goal is to reach the peak and hoist up your flag. The journey will be challenging, so you need to be passionate about it. Most financial plans involve investing and markets always have difficult periods. It is essential to have something to

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What is financial planning?

Financial planning is key to resolving worries about money. It may be useful to think about financial planning in terms of some common concerns: Will we be able to support our current standard of living in retirement? Can we manage financially if one or both of us needs long term care? What happens to my

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