The Money & Pensions Service (MaPS) has undertaken some research among people aged 50-70 with some pension savings besides the State Pension. The results make disturbing reading: 37% of over 50s are leaving their retirement financial planning until their final two years before retirement or won’t prepare at all 35% of retirees said they left financial
If you were not prepared financially for the first wave, then that is understandable. However, being prepared for a second wave is critical. So, what can we do? Do not rely on the Government When the infection first reached the UK, the government was quick to step in and help people financially through various schemes.
National Savings & Investments has significantly cut the rates it offers to savers. Savings analysts have long kept one eye on NS&I’s next move. The bank helps to fund the Government’s spending, so it has to balance the rates paid to savers with the cost to the Treasury. NS&I had planned cuts earlier this year.
Imagine a scenario where your business partner and fellow director has died. Your business partner’s wealth, including their share of the business, passes down to their family. This poses significant potential risks to your company. They could become involved in business decisions they know nothing about. They could also sell the shares without your consent
A report claimed thousands of older women have not received their full state pension entitlement. In a follow-up report, Lane Clark Peacock LLP (LCP) summarizes their findings since then. A vital message is to encourage a much wider group of women to check their state pension is correct. Dozens of women have told LCP they
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