We can get the answer to just about anything in a few clicks. However, the difference between getting a solution and the one which is right for you can be huge. This difference is where the value of good advice is. The truth is everybody would probably benefit from financial advice in some way. Saving
We covered how we decide where our clients should invest in an earlier post. Now we move onto what to invest into. We believe where to invest is the primary consideration when making investment recommendations. However, what to invest into is also important. Rather than buying a bunch of shares, bonds, or properties, we recommend
In a previous post, we explained the guidelines clients should invest by. We will now start to explain how we put this into practice for clients. A lot of financial industry talk can lead you to believe there is a “perfect” recipe for what you should invest in. Sadly, you can only know the perfect
Financial planning is key to resolving worries about money. It may be useful to think about financial planning in terms of some common concerns: Will we be able to support our current standard of living in retirement? Can we manage financially if one or both of us needs long term care? What happens to my
If something were to happen to you, the last thing you want is to be worrying about money. Financial planning is not just about getting what we want from life. It is also about protecting our loved ones. We do not like to think about illness and death but ignoring them can have severe consequences.
Lifetime financial planning done correctly has to include a fluid financial forecast created using sophisticated planning software. We take a snapshot of your financial situation and project this forward year by year. The process is only as comprehensive as the information we put into it. The more information we put in, the better the output. The
We have spent considerable time and effort in building a portfolio construction process sitting at the forefront of the profession. Its genesis lies in answering a simple question: ‘What should we do to ensure clients have the best chance of investment success?’ This has ultimately led to a series of underlying questions which we will
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